Welcome to my personal site dedicated to Stephen Gately songs!!

This site’s purpose is very simple;
For you to get to know more of his songs in case you’ve missed them (this is tragic, IMHO) , and to fully enjoy them anytime you want!

For that purpose, there are song lyrics pages with a video for each song.
(*Many of them are audio only with no official video)

Please feel yourself at home in his beautiful worlds and come back anytime to bask in the sun light that is STEO!!


★Since this site is more than halfway to completion, I'm slowing down the update lately. Maybe one or two updates a month or so. Thank you for visiting!

★The site may have maintenance from time to time. If this site is indeed gone, please check my YT Channel to see if my site got new URL.


  • Menu ——————Where you can find his songs. Note that to be able to call “his songs”, I’ve only included Boyzone’s songs in which Steo’s vocal is more than whipped cream on a cake.
    Also, some of them don’t have their lyrics pages but the links to the blog posts.

    Lyrics can be scrolled down without the video leaving their sides by using the scrollbar of the textbox(or the textbox itself).

    “Extra” category belongs to the songs/artworks by other artists which I thought would fit this site somehow.
  • BLOG——————Here. Where you can read my theories by which I try hard not to damage this site if not your brain.
  • CONTACT——————Please feel free to contact me.
    Any friendly comments are also welcome here on Blog posts as well.

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𝄞Thank you for all the people who let me use their wonderful art works for this site!!𝄞

Photo by Nolla

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