BSB Ballads

An article on boybands says, "If you liked the Backstreet Boys, try Boyzone" So she tried.
(Though she did the opposite: Boyzone-->Backstreet Boys)

She used to have "Back & Blue" by the way.

The BBC America's article, titled as "Who Were the British Versions of Your Favorite Boybands?" was available till quite recently (Aug 2021) but now it's gone. The article was 6 years old. The article made me review their works and I thought, why not put more BSB songs here?

I still don't feel like putting the rest on the main menu page because their songs sound slightly different from the songs I've been collecting, so I've decided to create their own page here.

Liking'em for their music, not quite as boyband

These two are pretty much the only boybands I listen to.

I wasn't paying much attention to a song like "I Want It That Way" being played over and over on MTV. I thought their music wasn't quite "real", fooling young girls with their sweet words and looks. I've never hated their music though (that's why I bought "black & blue" later), but theirs wasn't my cup of tea. I was into rock music more at that time.

Then why rock music was more "real" than their pop music to me is, because, according to my own logic at that time, negative, nasty stuff somewhat make your life heavier, thus "real". Generated by haphazardness and optimism, its message tends to be "Be a tough fighter! survivor!"and such.

Now, having sort of graduated from aggressive stuff in general (which includes watching sports games. Oh, I watch Sumo nonetheless, and I still like martial art for its artistry & spirituality, though, may create a page for it later), I now find myself enjoying their music as they are.

I've always been attracted to independent, strong woman images, but I've learned being able to accept one's own weakness and to ask for help whenever needed is actually a good thing. And even though the singers themselves may not always believe in what they sing, I know there are some people who realize these beautiful, loving relationships sung in their songs. Regardless of my own experiences and attitude toward life, their music is real to me now.

How is their music different from Boyzone?

I'm no music analyst so I can only talk about my impression. Boyzone music sounds more imaginative, dreamy and poetic, filled with fantasy, while BSB sounds more practical,trying to get what they want by singing their honest feelings straight, and just as some of their up tempo and wild songs fit for movie theme songs, their music is pretty much "moment based" to enjoy its live action, whereas Boyzone's music is like a pretty scene captured and cut out especially for that special moment to linger.

I also found Boyzone is a little smarter and elegant when it comes to their style and performance on their stage while fun-loving and playful at the same time. I find BSB live a bit bulkier (being big is a good thing in America) and dynamic, with a big, warm family atmosphere. Needless to say,they both are real professional and dedicated and that's why they won so many fans in the world.

Here's the visualization of some of their aspects at a glance;

decorated cake sold at a pretty pastry shop /sweet homemade apple pie

▼These are the complete list, at least for now, and each song page will be created one by one.

Backstreet Boys (1996)

Backstreet's Back (1997)

Millennium (1999)

Black & Blue (2000)


9 other songs of theirs are put on the main menu page.
And yes, I'm aware I've included a couple of songs that are not quite ballads on this page.These simply are the songs I choose for this site.

They've got 5 or more albums, with all other tastes of songs I did not include here. You can always check their official stuff ★here

Would listening to love songs promote your health both physically and mentally?

Well, scientific study says...wait, let's listen to what some fans got to say instead. Some say their songs have found them their lifetime partners, and their songs are the symbols of their eternal love, while others say they used their songs for their weddings / romantic settings but now they are divorced / broke up.

Conclusion: It's up to you (God knows)

P.S. My advise is... make it real by saying thing like this to your sweetheart;
(Word of the Day) I came across on the net.

**continued from the menu on the right

■A cappella collection
■BSB Concerts (90's)

Irish Rock Band "Boyzone" Invades World News Now Newsroom.(1998)

This is such a lovely interview.
Of course the more (fans,) the merrier, but I honestly appreciate the fact that Boyzone didn't try to change their music in order to gain popularity in the US.
I don't know if people would want "another BSB" from Europe or not, so I can't tell if BSB has really blocked Boyzone in the US or not. And you know, Queen wasn't successful in the US either .

Nowadays, popularity has become one of the most dubious indexes more than ever, since it seems it's gotten fairly easy for people to manipulate it through all kinds of technology and scheme out there. I don't pick things just because it's got numbers. All the bad things in history were very popular, too. Most of what we see or hear in the media can be a mere reflection of the so-called mob rule at its finest, fueled by commercialism that lacks ethics.

What is important, if you ask me, is taking responsibility for whatever you choose. You can't blame others saying "hey, this is what everyone does! It must be right!"

Do you really care if your friends, family members are popular or not? I don't ! They are not my property anyway. Even for myself, I'd rather have a few friends who really understand me, than hundreds of friends in name only, who don't really care how I am. I'm sure almost all artists are aware of vanity that exists in fame and fickle nature of popularity.

Finally, let me post Boyzone's "Working My Way Back to You" equivalent of BSB.

If you don't have a moment like this to show off your excitement to be a man of girls' dreams, you are not qualified as a legit boyband.

Love, Nolla

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