When the Going Gets Tough

As long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive...!

They say you've got to be tough

Ok,people...here are a few fitness classes below. Take whichever you please.

The Prince's Trust Party In The Park 1999

Top Of The Pops,UK 1999

Brit Awards 1999

Smash Hits Poll Winners Awards 1999

Quite honesty, this is papa (Keith) letting his kid win the game haha...

On a serious note, talking about popularity,I couldn't care less. If one of them leaves,it's 4/5 Boyzone, two leave, 3/5 Boyzone, simple math. 5 Ronans won't make a Boyzone, 'nuff said.

Do you reckon being famous and popoular will help you be a strong person? You could take a lok at Mikey's story here. (May'09.Last accessed Apr'23) & here (Apr'09) We may not need to play tough if we can believe in ourselves. Props to all the celebrities out there who openly admit and accept their weakness as human beings. How harsh could it be to be grounded and at the same time trying not to lose popularity by looking good and healthy so as to meet their fans' unreasonably high expectations! Hey, if not all of us deserve to be glamorous, we all at least deserve to be miserable humans!

Comic Relief 99

Mikey taking the lead vocal in Ronan's absence.

Oh yes, can't forget laughing is good for your health!

But some say you just need to believe

The reason why I decided to update "When the Going Gets Tough" after quite some time (I've been pretty busy though I always wanted to update stuff...) was that I've just finished reading a little book on 普门品 (Universal Gateway) Chapter 25 from 法華経 (Lotus Sutra) written by my favorite Buddhologist. It's basically about the miracles delivered by 観音 (Guanyin/ Goddess of Mercy) whom I've already talked about a bit in my previous post 懺悔文.

The song below is by the same singer, Chyi Yu, and is another hauntingly beautiful piece. The mantras are taken from the aforementioned sutra, one of the main teachings of which is how every single creature-the earth, plants, animals, individuals, etc., - possesses 仏心 (Buddha Heart), which allows you to attain enlightenment to evolve into Buddha.

Thus, in that sense, your own courage in the face of adversity is more focused on, the scholar argues, rather than the supernatural forces from above the clouds aiming to save you from hell, and that will to live your life itself is a miracle.

Yes, you may not be able to cast spells like Harry Potter, but you can still be hopeful because you are encouraged and supported night and day by 観音, a mother figure for all people. You do what you can do as her child on this earth, and the rest will be taken care of.

观世音菩萨普门品 (Universal Gateway)
guān shì yīn pú sà pǔ mén pǐn

世尊妙相具 我今重问彼
shì zūn miào xiāng jù
wǒ jīn zhòng wèn bǐ

World Honored One, complete
With wondrous marks,
I now ask again,
佛子何因缘 名为观世音
fó zǐ hé yīn yuán
míng wéi guān shì yīn
Why is this disciple of the Buddha
Called Guanshiyin?
具足妙相尊 偈答无尽意
jù zú miào xiāng zūn
jì dá wú jìn yì]
The Honored One of Perfect, Wondrous Marks,
With verses answered Inexhaustible Intention:
汝听观音行 善应诸方所
rǔ tīng guān yīn xíng
shàn yīng zhū fāng suǒ
Listen to the practice of Guanyin,
Who skillfully responds
In all places.
弘誓深如海 历劫不思议
hóng shì shēn rú hǎi
lì jié bù sī yì
With vast vows, as deep as the sea,
Throughout inconceivable eons,
侍多千亿佛 发大清净愿
shì duō qiān yì fó
fā dà qīng jìng yuàn
He has served many thousands
Of kotis of Buddhas,
And has made great, pure vows.
我为汝略说 闻名及见身
wǒ wéi rǔ lüè shuō
wén míng jí jiàn shēn
I shall now tell you in brief,
That for those who hear his name
Or see him,
心念不空过 能灭诸有苦
xīn niàn bù kōng guò
néng miè zhū yǒu kǔ
And who are mindful
Of his name unceasingly,
He can extinguish the suffering
Of all realms of existence.
假使兴害意 推落大火坑
jiǎ shǐ xīng hài yì
tuī luò dà huǒ kēng
If someone is the victim
Of another’s harmful intent,
And is pushed into a pit of fire,
念彼观音力 火坑变成池
niàn bǐ guān yīn lì
huǒ kēng biàn chéng chí
If he evokes
The strength of Guanyin,
The pit of fire will turn
Into a pool.
或漂流巨海 龙鱼诸鬼难
huò piāo liú jù hǎi
lóng yú zhū guǐ nán
If someone is being
Tossed about in the great sea,
And is surrounded by the dangers
Of dragons, fish, and ghosts,
念彼观音力 波浪不能没
niàn bǐ guān yīn lì
bō làng bù néng méi
If he evokes
The strength of Guanyin,
The waves will not drown him.
或在须弥峰 为人所推堕
huò zài xū mí fēng
wéi rén suǒ tuī duò
If someone is on the peak of Mount Sumeru,
And another person tries
To push him off,
念彼观音力 如日虚空住
niàn bǐ guān yīn lì
rú rì xū kōng zhù
If he evokes
The strength of Guanyin,
He will stand firm
As the sun in space.
或被恶人逐 堕落金刚山
huò bèi è rén zhú
duò luò jīn gāng shān
If someone is pursued
By evil people,
Who want to throw him
Off a Vajra Mountain,
念彼观音力 不能损一毛
niàn bǐ guān yīn lì
bù néng sǔn yī máo
If he evokes
The strength of Guanyin,
Not a single hair on his body
Will be harmed.
或值怨贼绕 各执刀加害
huò zhí yuàn zéi rào
gè zhí dāo jiā hài
If someone is surrounded
By vicious bandits,
Who threaten him with knives,
念彼观音力 咸即起慈心
niàn bǐ guān yīn lì
xián jí qǐ cí xīn
If he evokes
The strength of Guanyin,
The bandits will all give rise
To compassion.
或遭王难苦 临刑欲寿终
huò zāo wáng nán kǔ
lín xíng yù shòu zhōng
If someone is in trouble
With the law,
And on the verge
Of being executed,
念彼观音力 刀寻段段坏
niàn bǐ guān yīn lì
dāo xún duàn duàn huài
If he evokes
The strength of Guanyin,
The knives will break into pieces.
或囚禁枷锁 手足被杻械
huò qiú jīn jiā suǒ
shǒu zú bèi niǔ xiè
If someone is imprisoned,
Shackled, or chained,
Or if his hands and feet
Are in stocks,
念彼观音力 释然得解脱
niàn bǐ guān yīn lì
shì rán dé jiě tuō
If he evokes
The strength of Guanyin,
His bonds will open
And he will be free.
咒诅诸毒药 所欲害身者
zhòu zǔ zhū dú yào
suǒ yù hài shēn zhě
If someone is about
To be harmed,
By mantras, spells, or poison,
念彼观音力 还著于本人
niàn bǐ guān yīn lì
huán zhù yú běn rén
If he evokes
The strength of Guanyin,
The harm will all return
To the sender.
或遇恶罗刹 毒龙诸鬼等
huò yù è luó chà
dú lóng zhū guǐ děng
If someone meets
With evil rakshasas,
Poisonous dragons, or ghosts,
念彼观音力 时悉不敢害
niàn bǐ guān yīn lì
shí xī bù gǎn hài
If he evokes
The strength of Guanyin,
They will then not dare
To harm him.
若恶兽围绕 利牙爪可怖
ruò è shòu wéi rào
lì yá zhǎo kě bù
If someone is surrounded
by vicious beasts,
With fearsome fangs and claws,
念彼观音力 疾走无边方
niàn bǐ guān yīn lì
jí zǒu wú biān fāng
If he evokes
The strength of Guanyin,
The beasts will quickly run
Far away.
蚖蛇及蝮蝎 气毒烟火然
wèn shé jí fù xiē
qì dú yān huǒ rán
Poisonous snakes and scorpions,
Have blazing lethal vapors,
念彼观音力 寻声自回去
niàn bǐ guān yīn lì
xún shēng zì huí qù
But if one evokes
The strength of Guanyin,
At the sound of one’s voice,
They will disperse.
云雷鼓掣电 降雹澍大雨
yún léi gǔ chè diàn
jiàng báo shù dà yǔ
Clouds of roaring thunder
And lightning
May send down hail
Or great floods of rain,
念彼观音力 应时得消散
niàn bǐ guān yīn lì
yīng shí dé xiāo sàn
But if one evokes
The strength of Guanyin,
The clouds will
Immediately scatter.
众生被困厄 无量苦逼身
zhòng shēng bèi kùn è
wú liáng kǔ bī shēn
Living beings are beset
With hardships,
And oppressed
By limitless sufferings.
观音妙智力 能救世间苦
guān yīn miào zhì lì
néng jiù shì jiān kǔ
The power of Guanyin’s
Wondrous wisdom
Can rescue the world
From suffering.
具足神通力 广修智方便
jù zú shén tōng lì
guǎng xiū zhì fāng biàn
Complete with the power
Of spiritual penetrations,
Vastly cultivating wisdom
And expedient means,
十方诸国土 无刹不现身
shí fāng zhū guó tǔ
wú chà bù xiàn shēn
Going throughout countries
In the ten directions,
He manifests everywhere
In all places.
种种诸恶趣 地狱鬼畜生
zhǒng zhǒng zhū è qù
dì yù guǐ xù shēng
The various evil destinies,
Those of the hells, ghosts,
And animals,
生老病死苦 以渐悉令灭
shēng lǎo bìng sǐ kǔ
yǐ jiàn xī líng miè
And the pain of birth, old age,
Sickness, and death
Are all gradually wiped away.
真观清净观 广大智慧观
zhēn guān qīng jìng guān
guǎng dà zhì huì guān
True Contemplator,
Pure Contemplator,
Contemplator with
Vast, Great Wisdom,
悲观及慈观 常愿常瞻仰
bēi guān jí cí guān
cháng yuàn cháng zhān yǎng
Compassionate Contemplator, Kind Contemplator,
May we constantly behold you
With reverence!
无垢清净光 慧日破诸闇
wú gòu qīng jìng guāng
huì rì pò zhū jǐng
Undefiled pure light,
The sun of wisdom that breaks
Through the darkness
能伏灾风火 普明照世间
néng fú zāi fēng huǒ
pǔ míng zhào shì jiān
Is able to quell calamities
Of wind and fire
As it shines on all worlds.
悲体戒雷震 慈意妙大云
bēi tǐ jiè léi zhèn
cí yì miào dà yún s
Compassionate substance:
The thunder of precepts.
Kind intent:
A wondrous great cloud.
澍甘露法雨 灭除烦恼焰
hù gān lù fǎ yǔ
miè chú fán nǎo yàn
He rains down sweet dew
And Dharma rain,
Which extinguish the flames
诤讼经官处 怖畏军阵中
zhèng sòng jīng guān chǔ
bù wèi jūn zhèn zhōng
In the midst of contention,
When faced with lawsuits,
Or when someone is terrified
On the battlefield,
念彼观音力 众怨悉退散
niàn bǐ guān yīn lì
zhòng yuàn xī tuì sàn
If he evokes
The strength of Guanyin,
All his many enemies
Will scatter and leave.
妙音观世音 梵音海潮音
miào yīn guān shì yīn
fàn yīn hǎi cháo yīn
Wondrous your sound, Contemplator
Of the World’s Sounds
A pure sound, a sound
Like the sea tide,
胜彼世间音 是故须常念
shèng bǐ shì jiān yīn
shì gù xū cháng niàn
A sound beyond
All worldly sounds,
We shall always bear it in mind.
念念勿生疑 观世音净圣
niàn niàn wù shēng yí
guān shì yīn jìng shèng
In thought after thought
We have no doubt:
Guanshiyin is pure and sagely.
于苦恼死厄 能为作依怙
yú kǔ nǎo sǐ è
néng wéi zuò yī hù
In times of suffering, agony,
Danger, and death,
He is our refuge and protector.
具一切功德 慈眼视众生
jù yī qiē gōng dé
cí yǎn shì zhòng shēng
Complete with all merit
And virtue,
His kind eyes
Watching living beings,
福聚海无量 是故应顶礼
fú jù hǎi wú liáng
shì gù yīng dǐng lǐ
He is endowed with massive blessings, limitless as the sea.
Therefore we should
Reverently worship him.

English translation from; Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia

Skimming through the mantras it may give you a feeling of watching a horror movie...yet you know what? People enjoy watching scary scenes, because they are not the one who's actually being tortured, right? So putting your own life in the third person's perspective, your atrocious life has somewhat become entertainable... after all, you cannot be too serious about your own life but got to take it easy in order to live the difficulties. 観音 watches over our struggles which may be making us look like wannabe comedians.[*] And yes, we have a home to go back after we endure all these things.

The Buddhist scholar, the author of the book often says in his writings that the heaven, free of suffering, treasures hardships experienced on earth. The challenges you've accepted are the (only) gifts you can bring back to the place of eternity where your tales will be wholeheartedly appreciated.

[*]The book by Tom Phillips (2018) below which I happened to be reading may best explain what I'm getting at.

Let's face it

It was cool when I was about to edit this page, a song "I Will Survive" had popped up in my mind and then I found that Gloria, who would turn 80 this year, just posted the new video a month ago!

I am very grateful for this. 観音 has surely helped me encounter this, hasn't she? After all, she believes in you, too...

It makes it all the more valuable to be sung by a woman who's lived up to that age. Thank you Gloria and everyone who brought this. It's such a blessing.

"I Will Survive"

written by Freddie Perren, Dino Fekaris (1978), sung by Gloria Gaynor

At first I was afraid,
I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never live
Without you by my side
But then I spent so many nights
Thinking how you did me wrong
And I grew strong
And I learned how to get along

And so you're back
From outer space
I just walked in to find you here
With that sad look upon your face
I should have changed
That stupid lock,
I should have made you
Leave your key
If I'd known for just one second
You'd be back to bother me

Go on now, go, walk out the door
Just turn around now
'Cause you're not welcome
Weren't you the one
Who tried to hurt me
With goodbye
Do you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down
And die?

Oh no, not I, I will survive
Oh, as long as I know how to love,
I know I'll stay alive
I've got all my life to live
And I've got all my love to give
And I'll survive
I will survive, hey, hey

It took all the strength
I had not to fall apart
Kept trying hard
To mend the pieces
Of my broken heart
And I spent oh-so many nights
Just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry
But now I hold my head up high

And you see me
Somebody new
I'm not that
Chained-up little person
And still in love with you
And so you felt like dropping in
And just expect me to be free
Well, now I'm saving all my lovin'
For someone who's loving me

Go on now, go, walk out the door
Just turn around now
'Cause you're not welcome
Weren't you the one
Who tried to break me
With goodbye
Do you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down
And die?

Oh no, not I, I will survive
Oh, as long as I know how to love,
I know I'll stay alive
I've got all my life to live
And I've got all my love to give
And I'll survive
I will survive

Go on now, go, walk out the door
Just turn around now
'Cause you're not welcome
Weren't you the one
Who tried to break me
With goodbye
Do you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down
And die?

Oh no, not I, I will survive
Oh, as long as I know how to love,
I know I'll stay alive
I've got all my life to live
And I've got all my love to give
And I'll survive
I will survive
I will survive


Let me end by quoting a song, Who wants to Live Foerver by Queen

And we can have forever
And we can love forever
Forever is our today...

Love, Nolla

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